Science communication today — 2015

Current strategies and means of action
This book reports on the work of the fifth Journées Hubert Curien, which took place in Nancy, France, from 3 to 5 June 2015, in a meeting organized as part of the Science & You project. The theme of the conference was 'Current strategies and means of action'.The fifth Journées Hubert Curien had four main objectives:• Confront science communication research with science mediation practices.• Reflect on and debate about science communication issues in different national contexts.• Explore the citizen dimension of science communication actions.• Analyse new science in society practices.The papers presented in this book cover recent renewed interest in science communication and the reasons why policymakers want to communicate science. They describe how national contexts fra ... Lire la suite
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Date de première publication du titre 29 juin 2015
ISBN 9782814302365
EAN-13 9782814302365
Référence 118858-47
Nombre de pages de contenu principal
Format 16 x 24 x 1 cm
Poids 274 g

Pierre Mutzenhardt – Foreword


The Scientific Committee

Supporters of the Science & You Conference

Patrick Baranger, Joëlle Le Marec, Bernard Schiele – Introduction

Part 1: Opening remarks

Joëlle Le Marec – 1. Between professional construction and field-work deconstruction

Part 2: Keynote addresses

Brian Trench, Massimiano Bucchi – 2. Science communication research over 50 years: patterns and trends;
Alan Irwin – 3. Citizen science and scientific citizenship: same words, different meanings?
Elizabeth Rasekoala – 4. Science communication in a post-2015 world: the nexus of transnational, multidisciplinary and sociocultural contexts;
Cheng Donghong – 5. Developing a science museum system with Chinese characteristics: strategy, framework, mechanism and evaluation;
Marc Lipinski – 6. Citizens in the scientific process;
Pablo Kreimer – 7. Public understanding of science and social studies of science: convergence or parallel paths?
Sook-kyoung Cho – 8. Curating the future: the science museum for creativity and sustainability;
Pierre-Benoît Joly – 9. Science–society relations seen through the prism of technology promises;
Jean-Yves Le Déaut – 10. Thirty years of the OPECST: thirty years of investigating ahead of legislation;
Aziz Bensalah – 11. Science and society in Morocco: what role for public understanding of science?

Part 3: Closing remarks

Bernard Schiele, Joëlle Le Marec, Patrick Baranger – 12. Science communication and democracy

Abbreviations and acronyms

This book reports on the work of the fifth Journées Hubert Curien, which took place in Nancy, France, from 3 to 5 June 2015, in a meeting organized as part of the Science & You project. The theme of the conference was 'Current strategies and means of action'.The fifth Journées Hubert Curien had four main objectives:• Confront science communication research with science mediation practices.• Reflect on and debate about science communication issues in different national contexts.• Explore the citizen dimension of science communication actions.• Analyse new science in society practices.The papers presented in this book cover recent renewed interest in science communication and the reasons why policymakers want to communicate science. They describe how national contexts frame science communication actions and policies. They explore the public's demand not to be treated as passive consumers of information anymore, but as actors in their own right—not only in debates about the rightful place of science and technology within society, but also in those about research processes that affect or concern them. In this way, the authority and legitimacy of scientific knowledge are being questioned as new types of relations to knowledge are emerging.This book brings together the 11 keynote addresses from the conference.


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