Learning from your body

An Emersive Method at the CNAC
Learning from your living body is now possible. This book brings together films recorded on GoPro cameras, complied on a DVD produced by Raoul Bender, our photographs taken at training sessions and our interviews with artists from the National Centre for Circus Arts (Centre national du cirque, CNAC) in Châlons-en-Champagne.Each person can recognise three types of movements in their bodies: the involuntary gestures that our living body makes as it adapts, gestures integrated by techniques and learning, and intentional gestures that are aware of our motor decisions.Emotions, affects, fear and vertigo find unique information in the living body which contribute to our well-being. Analysing movement boosts both body confidence and self-esteem. Sharing gestures with other bod ... Lire la suite
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Date de première publication du titre 11 décembre 2018
ISBN 9791024009179
EAN-13 9791024009179
Référence 122752-27
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 110
Format 15.5 x 22 x .5 cm
Poids 221 g

Preface: What's at play in the game…


Learning from your body
A new analysis of activity
Situating action in the living body
Discovering sensations
Access to the body
Techniques of the living body and the lived body
Unconscious adjustments of the living body
Analysing the typology of gestures in the first person
From physical exercise to habitus
From practice to bodily experience
Immersion of the situated movement in the playing field
Unconsciously embodied techniques
Contortion or circumventing the body schema?
The temporality of action
Sensation in the first person
Emersion of the living body in the self
Attention and visual processing
Concentration of the hands and attention to the living
Intentional gesture and motor anticipation
Body confidence
An intimate perception
A double viewpoint on tempo
Automatic movements and body techniques
Conclusion : Injury as a return to consciousness

Sources and references

Postface: How does the body apprehend a new movement?
Daily training in the circus arts
The visual body and the formula for movement
The tactile body and its interactions
The living body is a body schema


Sources and references

The National centre for circus arts
Teachers who collaborated on this project
Professional participants



Learning from your living body is now possible. This book brings together films recorded on GoPro cameras, complied on a DVD produced by Raoul Bender, our photographs taken at training sessions and our interviews with artists from the National Centre for Circus Arts (Centre national du cirque, CNAC) in Châlons-en-Champagne.Each person can recognise three types of movements in their bodies: the involuntary gestures that our living body makes as it adapts, gestures integrated by techniques and learning, and intentional gestures that are aware of our motor decisions.Emotions, affects, fear and vertigo find unique information in the living body which contribute to our well-being. Analysing movement boosts both body confidence and self-esteem. Sharing gestures with other bodies nurtures good intercorporeality.


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