Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 8

A. S. Byatt, Before and After 'Possession': Recent Critical Approaches
Nathalie COLLÉ,Monica LATHAM
Ouvrage en anglaisPossession: A Romance is a novel that now holds an overwhelming position in literary criticism and in A. S. Byatt's bibliography. With the award of the Booker Prize in 1990, Byatt's writing career entered a new phase indeed, as Possession received praise from critics and readers as well as attention from academics. Although unique in Byatt's oeuvre, Possession nevertheless contains distinct Byattian traits that can be found in the rest of her production, hence our choice to reexamine Possession twenty-five years on and to look at Byatt's work through the prism of this particular novel. Most of the articles collected in this volume thus consider Possession on its own or in relation with earlier and later works of fiction.
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Date de première publication du titre 6 février 2018
ISBN 9782814303294
EAN-13 9782814303294
Référence 122129-47
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 199
Format 16 x 24 x 1 cm
Poids 320 g

Armelle Parey, Isabelle Roblin – Introduction

Isabelle Roblin – The Mise-en-Abyme of the Creative Process in A. S. Byatt's The Game

Alexa Alfer - Time Will Tell: Time and Narrative in A. S. Byatt's The Virgin in the Garden

Carmen Lara-Rallo – 'Cell by Cell, Gene by Gene': The Dialogue with Science in the Quartet

Christian Gutleben – '[A] Black, Thick, Tenacious Victorian Dust': Possession as the Archetype and Prototype of Neo-Victorianism

Émilie Walezak – Repeating Patterns in A. S. Byatt's Possession: The Example of Live Stones

Armelle Parey – Self-conscious Poetic Justice in A. S. Byatt's Possession: A Romance

Alexandra Cheira – 'They Say that Women Change: 'Tis so: But You/ Are Ever-Constant in your Changefulness': (A)chromatic Representation of Female Identity in A. S. Byatt's Possession, 'Morpho Eugenia' and 'Cold'

Helen E. Mundler – 'Your Stories are Strange, Glancing Things. They Peter out, They Have no Shape': The Puzzle of A. S. Byatt's 'Baglady'

Barbara Franchi – Dangerous Mothers and their Children: Writing and Other Secrets in Possession and The Children's Book

Catherine Mari – Weaving 'The Seen and the Unseen': The Aesthetic Realism of The Children's Book

Tomás Monterrey – A. S. Byatt's Neo-Baroque in Ragnarok

List of Contributors

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General Editors

Ouvrage en anglaisPossession: A Romance is a novel that now holds an overwhelming position in literary criticism and in A. S. Byatt's bibliography. With the award of the Booker Prize in 1990, Byatt's writing career entered a new phase indeed, as Possession received praise from critics and readers as well as attention from academics. Although unique in Byatt's oeuvre, Possession nevertheless contains distinct Byattian traits that can be found in the rest of her production, hence our choice to reexamine Possession twenty-five years on and to look at Byatt's work through the prism of this particular novel. Most of the articles collected in this volume thus consider Possession on its own or in relation with earlier and later works of fiction.


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