Archipel, n° 92/2016

Chinese Deathscapes in Insulindia
Claudine SALMON
Date de publication
22 novembre 2016
L'expansion démographique et urbaine auront-elles raison des cimetières ?
Livre broché
27.00 €
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ISSN 00448613
Date de première publication du titre 22 novembre 2016
ISBN 9782910513757
EAN-13 9782910513757
Référence 120921-30
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 224
Format 16 x 24 x 1.1 cm
Poids 408 g

Claudine Salmon, "Introduction";

Danny Wong Tze Ken, "Early Chinese Presence in Malaysia as Reflected by Three Cemeteries (17th-19th c.)";

Claudine Salmon, "Ancient Chinese Cemeteries of Indonesia as Vanishing Landmarks of the Past (17th-20th c.)";

Richard T. Chu and Teresita Ang See, "Toward a History of Chinese Burial Grounds in Manila during the Spanish Colonial Period";

Lee Kam Hing, "State Policy, Community Identity, and Management of Chinese Cemeteries in Colonial Malaya";

Erik Akpedonu, "The Manila Chinese Cemetery: A Repository of Tsinoy Culture and Identity";

Catherine Guéguen, "The Chinese Cemeteries in the Philippines: Immobile Spaces?";

Claudine Salmon, "From Cemeteries to Luxurious Memorial Parks. With Special Reference to Malaysia and Indonesia".


Résumés – Abstracts

L'expansion démographique et urbaine auront-elles raison des cimetières ?


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