Philippe Laplace – Introduction: Ecological Readings: Nature, Human and Posthuman Dimensions in Scottish literature and arts.
Part one: Nature and the Environment: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Anne McKim – 'A Full Idea of Your Own Country': Paradise or Wilderness? Scottish Tourists on the Home Tour;
Alan Riach – The Politics of Nature in 'Praise of Ben Dorain';
Christian Auer – The Representation of Land in the Gaelic Poetry of the Clearances;
Yann Tholoniat – Robert Burns: Nature's Bard and Nature's Powers;
Sarah Bisson – How Walter Scott Wrote the Scottish National Landscape. A Study of the Sublime and the Picturesque in Three Jacobite Novels;
Cyril Besson – Paradise Lost or Creation Regained? Nature and Culture in Walter Scott's Redgauntlet;
David Steel – Recreating an Ideal Landscape: a Community's Approach to the Designed Landscape of Cally;
Marion Amblard – The Evolution of the Representation of Highland Landscapes by Scottish Painters between the XVIIIth and the XXIst Centuries.
Part II: Nature, the Environment and the Posthuman: Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Béatrice Duchateau – Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Landscape: Landscape as Sign;
Jean Berton – The Posthuman as an Oxymoronic Mirror to Man's Paradoxes in Iain Crichton Smith's 'Deer on the High Hills';
Robin MacKenzie – The Hieroglyphic of Raindrops: Reading the Signs of Nature in The Warlock of Strathearn by Christopher Whyte;
Monika Szuba – 'I think of Them as Guests': John Burnside's Encounters with Nature;
Stewart Smith – Basho Borne on the Carrying Stream: the Word-Mapping of Scotland and the Ecopoetics of Wind Power in Alec Finlay's The Road North and Skying;
William Welstead – 'Hoping No-One Will See the Difference': An Ecocritical Reading of Recent Poems by Meg Bateman;
Camille Manfredi – Scottish Petroliterature 1993-2013: Poetics of an Oil Spill;
Danièle Berton-Charrière – 'Land-scaping' the Scottish Stage and Drama;
Jessica Aliaga Lavrijsen – Shall We Try 'Something New'?: The Posthuman in Brian McCabe.
– Notes on the Contributors
– Index