Archiving and Questioning Immateriality

Proceedings of the 5th Computer Art Congress [CAC.5]
Art / Art média
Date de publication
10 janvier 2017
This book suggests selected papers presented at the 5th Computer Art Congress: Archiving and Questioning Immateriality. It is interested in reflecting on the artwork as a material object, but also as a complex processes that surround a work of art. The artwork is regarded from the emotional and intellectual effects that it triggers. Contributions were focused on "How should we deal with artworks by taking into account their multidimensional nature: temporal, spatial, communicational, ..? Such entry points have raised problematic issues demanding to interrogate the "Material" supports that give form to an artwork as well as the archival methods and the remix and re-cataloging appropriations.
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35.00 €
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Date de première publication du titre 10 janvier 2017
ISBN 9791090094239
EAN-13 9791090094239
Référence 120720-63
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 468
Format 15 x 21 x 2.4 cm
Poids 606 g



Papers Sessions

Alessio Chierico – Art and materiality in post-media practice: toward an ontology of digital and its devices;
Daniela de Paulis – OPTICKS, space travel and visual moonbounce;
Gabriel Pareyon – Patterns of materiality/immateriality: dialectics in epistemology under the new scientific paradigm;
Maciej Ozóg – Your Boy is You: new media art as a critical analysis of biometric surveillance;
Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau – A personal media art archive based on the symbol of the fly;
Maria Giulia Dondero – Using images to analyze images. Semiotics meets Cultural Analytics;
Sandra Álvaro Sánchez – Art and data: the aesthetic emergence of knowledge;
Pilar Rosado, Eva Figueras, Ferran Reverter – Letting images speak for themselves;
Jung E. Choi – Materializing depth in Gravicells: the potential of twenty-first-century media;
Annet Dekker – What we talk about when we talk about online cultures;
Conor McGarrigle – Preserving born digital art : lessons from artists' practice;
Andrea Sosa – At angle C: instability poetics. Participation aesthetics through the work of Julio. Le Parc and the Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel (GRAV);
Andrés Burbano, Esteban García Bravo – Konrad Zuse: enabler of computational arts?
Reynaldo Thompson, Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Frank Dufour – The Latin American digital heritage: methods of digital art archive construction and the retrieval of immateriality;
Alexandre Michaan, Nina van Doren – Archiving, emulating and documenting the collection of CD-ROM artworks of LIMA, Amsterdam;
Luz María Sánchez – Vis. [Un]necessary force;
Melanie Hundley, Teri Holbrook – Composing the future;
Ricardo Dal Farra – Memory's death… or the desire of immortality;
Shelley Hornstein – Beyond place: monuments and museums after the intangible turn;
Gemma Argüello Manresa – Imagining spatially in Computer-Based Art;
Gerry Kisil, Alan Dunning – Mirages de Ville;
Thomas Storey – Quick and easy recipes for disaster;
Franck Soudan, Marc Veyrat – FFF;
Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso – We Bees: an immersive telematic object from project S.H.A.S.T.;
Luba Diduch – The expanding artwork;
A. Bill Miller, Jeremy Behreandt – Movement Systems from Motion Capture Data;
Kevin S Badni – Effects of immediacy on the perception of interactive art;
Federico Garrido – Central floorplans and digital strategies;
Andrea Sosa – Projected illusions: space, light, and coordinates.

Art Exhibition

Alan Dunning – Mirages de Ville – First Words Last Acts;
Chiara Passa – Dimensioning n.1 – from live architectures a VR experience thru google cardboard, 2016;
Conor McGarrigle – 24 Hour Social;
Daniel Buzzo – What do we know of time when all we can know for real is now?
Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda – Transferring female reproductive labor and ephemeral and domestic forms of writing into the Archive: Remediating Mamá Pina's Cookbook;
Naoyuki Tanaka – MonkeyTURN;
Mez Breeze – "T[he]Issue": a geospatial and mixed-locative colonisation document;
Paul Magee – Metropolis;
Paul Magee – Signal;
Ricardo Dal Farra – Organic;
Shu Lea Cheang – Composting the net (2012).

This book suggests selected papers presented at the 5th Computer Art Congress: Archiving and Questioning Immateriality. It is interested in reflecting on the artwork as a material object, but also as a complex processes that surround a work of art. The artwork is regarded from the emotional and intellectual effects that it triggers. Contributions were focused on "How should we deal with artworks by taking into account their multidimensional nature: temporal, spatial, communicational, ..? Such entry points have raised problematic issues demanding to interrogate the "Material" supports that give form to an artwork as well as the archival methods and the remix and re-cataloging appropriations.


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