The Production and Dissemination of Knowledge in Scotland

La production et la diffusion des savoirs en Écosse
Date de publication
16 mai 2017
This volume aims to show some small part of the breadth of knowledge created in Scotland and disseminated in and outwith the country. This broad field of interest echoes the wider range of subjects traditionally taught in Scottish schools. It attempts to highlight what is distinctive about the Scottish approach to knowledge acquisition in general while also presenting the areas in which this endeavour overlaps with similar concerns in the rest of the world. The overall impression created is that of a country consistently confident in its ability to create useful knowledge; capable of applying that knowledge at home and of sharing it with others.
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Date de première publication du titre 16 mai 2017
ISBN 9782848675800
EAN-13 9782848675800
Référence 121319-39
Nombre de pages de contenu principal
Format 15 x 21 x 2 cm
Poids 300 g


Lesley Graham – Introduction

James Robertson – Prologue: Scots language inside and outside the classroom in the twenty-first century

Part 1 Education and Learning

Ian Brown – Drama in education in post-Reformation Scotland;
David Hume, Gilles Robel – La circulation des idées économiques écossaises au dix-huitième siècle : l'exemple des Discours politiques de ;
Christian Auer – Les missionnaires écossais en Inde au dix-neuvième siècle ou l'éducation comme vecteur de transformation sociale;
Christian Civardi – The Scottish Labour movement's educational activities, 1890s-1920s;
Rosie Findlay – "Nae tawse and less parsing": school strikes in Scotland in 1889 and 1911.

Part 2 Professional Knowledge

Tri Tran – L'apprentissage dans les marines écossaise et anglaise (quinzième-dix-huitième siècles) : une histoire contrastée;
Romain Girard – Représentations des professions libérales en tant qu'experts dans la littérature écossaise : spécificité de la représentation des médecins dans l'œuvre d'Arthur Conan Doyle;
Ronald Crawford – Professor Anderson, Dr Franklin and President Washington.

Part 3 The Informal Transmission of Knowledge

Sabrina Juillet-Garzon – La diffusion des valeurs écossaises et britanniques à l'épreuve du voyage de Charles de Galles en Espagne (1623) ;
Anne McKim – "If your daughters are inclined to love reading, do not check their Inclination": Passing on knowledge and advice among elite women in eighteenth-century Scotland;
William Welstead – Science and tradition in the production of High Nature Value Landscapes in the Scottish Highlands and Island.

Notes on Contributors

This volume aims to show some small part of the breadth of knowledge created in Scotland and disseminated in and outwith the country. This broad field of interest echoes the wider range of subjects traditionally taught in Scottish schools. It attempts to highlight what is distinctive about the Scottish approach to knowledge acquisition in general while also presenting the areas in which this endeavour overlaps with similar concerns in the rest of the world. The overall impression created is that of a country consistently confident in its ability to create useful knowledge; capable of applying that knowledge at home and of sharing it with others.


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