Thanasis Tsoumas, Pandelis Kiprianos, Manolis Choumerianos, "Enlightenment, Body and National Identity: Physical Exercise in the Education of the 'Rebellious Nation' (1821-1827)";
Philippe Tétart, " Entre sport, mondanités et dandysme : esquisse biographique d'Eugène Chapus. Partie 2 : Chapus au temps du Sport ";
Athanasios Anastasiou, Stavros Tsonias, "How the Myth Became the Inspiration for the Marathon Race";
Maria Mersini Ikonomakou, Evangelos Albanidis, Athanasios Karafyllis, "The Evolution of Military Training in Greek Education in the 19th Century";
Roland Renson, "The Mountain King: Albert I of Belgium (1875-1934) and the Sociocultural Symbolism of Mountaineering";
Stefano Morosini, "'Il CAI non poteva non fare parte delle energie migliori d'Italia'. Il Club Alpino Italiano nel CONI (1927-1943)" ;
Daniel Svensson, "Technologies of Sportification. Practice, theory and Co-Production of Training Knowledge in Cross-Country Skiing since the 1950s".
Research Notes
Bettina Kratzmüller, "Hatshepsut Maatkare, a Running Egyptian King Surpassing her Female Body's Limits";
Kazuhiko Kusudo, "Measuring and Recording in the "Open Target Shooting Festival" (Freischießen) during the Late Middle Ages in Germany".