Anne-Françoise Garçon —The Three States of Technology: An Historical Approach to a Thought Regime, 16th – 20th Centuries
- Technology as a tool of knowledge
- Technology as the science of action
- Technology as a regime of thought
Pierre Lamard — Technique: an interdisciplinary subject with contrasting approaches An analysis
- The influence of institutions
- Shifting paradigms
- The Return of the Humanities
Xavier Guchet — Technology: general science of operations
- Technology as science
- Technology as general science
- Technology as the general science of operations
Joëlle Forest, Michel Faucheux — Reflections on technology: A science of creative rationality?
- An unthought rationality
- What is creative rationality?
- Creative rationality: consequences for teaching
- Creative rationality: implications for innovation policies
Alain Le Méhauté, Dmitrii Tayurskii — Times and Prosthesis: Introduction to a hermeneutics of amateurism
- Prostheses and identity
- Techno-political duality
- Violence and Technology
- Foundations of technological dynamics
- From local to global and vice versa
- Set theory and non-countable set
- Back to prosthesis: The emergence
- The downward spiral
Yves-Claude Lequin — Technology for an inclusive democracy
- Technique: a human concept
- Technology and the study of technique
- Understanding technique to make important decisions
- Conclusion: democratic technique to enrich representative democracy
Dominique Vinck — Thinking about Technology
- Technology as a component of human reality
- Technology as a social construct
- Technology in the making