Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 13

Reading Ian McEwan's Mature Fiction: New Critical Approaches
Armelle PAREY,Isabelle ROBLIN
Ian McEwan is recognised as one of the most important British writers today. This collection of essays offers an updated insight into his mature fiction. Over his four-decade-long literary career, he has been awarded numerous prestigious prizes, including the Man Booker Prize in 1998. His work is marked by diversity and encompasses different genres, time periods, themes and narrative voices. This collection presents new critical approaches on aspects of McEwan's oeuvre such as questions of ethics and the representation of the past. The contributors to this volume focus on McEwan's mature work, away from the 'shocklit' which was initially his trademark and which earned him the nickname of 'Ian Macabre'. They discuss more recent novels, starting from the 1990s, up to The ... Lire la suite
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Date de première publication du titre 15 avril 2021
ISBN 9782814305915
EAN-13 9782814305915
Référence 125116-47
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 288
Format 16 x 24 x 1.5 cm
Poids 424 g

Armelle Parey, Isabelle Roblin – Introduction: Ian McEwan or the Art of Symbiosis

I. Diachronic Approaches

Ivan Callus – Retrospective: Four Decades of Ian McEwan and Contemporary British Fiction

Sandra Dinter – The Spatiality of Crisis: Hotels in Ian McEwan's The Comfort of Strangers and On Chesil Beach

II. The 1990s

Virginie Douglas – Blurring frontiers in Ian McEwan's The Daydreamer

Diane Gagneret – 'Rationalism Gone Beserk': Madness and the Scientific Mind in Ian McEwan's Enduring Love

Isabelle Roblin – The Only Good Woman is the Dead One: Ian McEwan's Amsterdam

III. Reconsidering the Past in Atonement

Sylvie Maurel – 'I Put it All There as a Matter of Historical Record': Literary Testimony in Atonement by Ian McEwan

Adele Cassigneul, Elsa Cavalié – Making Us See the Ghosts: Ian McEwan's Expressive Visual Style

Cristina Arbués Caballé – The Manifestation of Authorship from Trauma in Ian McEwan's Atonement and Sweet Tooth

IV. Ethical Issues

Philipp Sonntag – Law(s) and Literature: Legal, Moral and Poetic Imagination in Ian McEwan's The Children Act

Christina Root – The Ideal of Conversation in Ian McEwan's The Children Act

Eva M. Perez-Rodriguez – 'There Is Grandeur in This View of Life': The Professional as Detached God in Ian McEwan's Saturday and The Children Act

V. Nutshell's Impossible Narrator

Sandra Singer – 'Time to Join in': Ethical Agency in Ian McEwan's Nutshell

Georges Letissier – 'Fondling Details' (Nabokov) to Write In Utero: Ian McEwan's Nutshell. Consilience in Stand-up Comedy

VI. Adaptations / Transmedial McEwan

Nicole Cloarec – Figuring Guilt and Responsibility in the Film Adaptations of The Child in Time, Enduring Love and Atonement

James Dalrymple – Adaptation, (Re)writing and Predestination in Joe Wright's Atonement

List of Contributors

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Ian McEwan is recognised as one of the most important British writers today. This collection of essays offers an updated insight into his mature fiction. Over his four-decade-long literary career, he has been awarded numerous prestigious prizes, including the Man Booker Prize in 1998. His work is marked by diversity and encompasses different genres, time periods, themes and narrative voices. This collection presents new critical approaches on aspects of McEwan's oeuvre such as questions of ethics and the representation of the past. The contributors to this volume focus on McEwan's mature work, away from the 'shocklit' which was initially his trademark and which earned him the nickname of 'Ian Macabre'. They discuss more recent novels, starting from the 1990s, up to The Cockroach, published in 2019, which display the author's growing engagement with topical issues. Essays by international scholars span diachronic approaches, case studies and film adaptations.


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