Literary Journalism and World War I: Marginal Voices

Incorporating a wide range of international critical perspectives, this book offers a rich and complex vision of the press during the Great War. By presenting excerpts from several primary sources alongside a contextual gloss and a scholarly essay, the collection highlights the varied effects produced when literary techniques were fused with factual reportage. The primary texts selected come from neutral and warring countries alike, including the pacisfi st polemics of Belgian graphic artist Frans Masereel to the bitter irony of the soldiers' own trench journals. These literary journalists bear witness to the common challenges with which writers from all nations grappled as they attempted to report on a new kind of warfare.
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Date de première publication du titre 24 janvier 2017
ISBN 9782814302822
EAN-13 9782814302822
Référence 120945-47
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 272
Format 16 x 24 x 1.5 cm
Poids 453 g

Table of Illustrations

General Introduction to the ReportAGES Series

Andrew Griffiths, Sara Prieto – Introduction: Literary Journalism and World War I

Trench Journals, Excerpts

John S. Bak – I"The paper cannot live by poems alone": World War I Trench Journals as (Proto-) Literary Journalism

John Buchan, Excerpts

Andrew Griffiths – IStrategic Fictions? John Buchan, The Times and the Ypres Salient

Will Irwin, Excerpt

Sara Prieto – IPure Propaganda? Will Irwin's A Reporter at Armageddon: A Journey beyond the Front

Barcelona and World War I, Excerpt

Xavier Pla – IBarcelona, at the Edge of Genres: Literature, Information and Propaganda during WWI and After

Roberto Jorge Payró, Excerpt

Emiliano Gastón Sánchez – IWorld War I Reportages: The Dispatches of Roberto J. Payró during the German Invasion of Belgium

Gustaf Hellström, Excerpt

Jane Ekstam – IGustaf Hellström, Foreign Correspondent for Dagens Nyheter (The Daily News) in Paris, 1911–1917

Velona Pilcher, Excerpt

Charlotte Purkis – IVelona Pilcher's Literary Excursions in the 'Theatre of War,'' 1918–1947

Frans Masereel, Excerpt

Karl-Ludwig Hofmann, Peter Riede, Soenke Zehle, Henrik Elburn – IThe Infinite Eye: Frans Masereel's Visual Anti-War Journalism

Contributors' Notes


Incorporating a wide range of international critical perspectives, this book offers a rich and complex vision of the press during the Great War. By presenting excerpts from several primary sources alongside a contextual gloss and a scholarly essay, the collection highlights the varied effects produced when literary techniques were fused with factual reportage. The primary texts selected come from neutral and warring countries alike, including the pacisfi st polemics of Belgian graphic artist Frans Masereel to the bitter irony of the soldiers' own trench journals. These literary journalists bear witness to the common challenges with which writers from all nations grappled as they attempted to report on a new kind of warfare.


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