Bulag, n° 38/2013

Date de publication
24 février 2014
This special number of the BULAG contains 9 research papers of special merit written by students of the 4th intake (2011) of the European Erasmus Mundus Masters Course International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology. The papers have been written as a requirement of the students' research projects which they presented at the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, June 20-21, 2013. Research themes: mathematical formalisation (1 paper); text applications (3 papers): optical character recognition, definition extraction, opinion mining; machine translation (5 papers): textual entailment across languages, noun phrases in technical corpora, syntactic simplificati ... Lire la suite
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ISSN 07586787
Date de première publication du titre 24 février 2014
ISBN 9782848674698
EAN-13 9782848674698
Référence 116877-39
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 178
Format 15 x 21 x 1 cm
Poids 341 g

Sylviane CARDEY, Presentation

Daria BRAZHNIKOVA, Detecting Textual Entailment across Languages with Similarity Measures and Machine Translation;

Raluca-Sînziana BUJOREANU, Towards an English-Romanian Machine Translation Prototype for the Translation of Noun Phrases in Technical Corpora;

José CAMACHO COLLADOS, Syntactic Simplification for Machine Translation;

Sovann EN, Khmer Optical Character Recognition System;

Luis ESPINOSA ANKE, A Definition Extraction System for Scientific Interviews;

Oscar MENDOZA, A Framework for Collocation Retrieval and Translation from Parallel and Comparable Corpora;

Jacopo OTTAVIANI, Opinion Mining for Data Journalism;

Katherin PEREZ ROJAS, Automatically Building Translation Memories for Subtitling;

Elizabeth RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Towards a Mathematical Formalisation of Microsystemic Linguistic Analysis.

This special number of the BULAG contains 9 research papers of special merit written by students of the 4th intake (2011) of the European Erasmus Mundus Masters Course International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology. The papers have been written as a requirement of the students' research projects which they presented at the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, June 20-21, 2013. Research themes: mathematical formalisation (1 paper); text applications (3 papers): optical character recognition, definition extraction, opinion mining; machine translation (5 papers): textual entailment across languages, noun phrases in technical corpora, syntactic simplification, collocation retrieval, film subtitles. Languages studied: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Romanian and Spanish


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