Monitoring the impacts of marine aggregate extraction

Knowledge Synthesis 2012 (GIS SIEGMA)
Date de publication
25 avril 2014
This document is a comprehensive survey of the scientific knowledge acquired in late 2012 on the environmental impacts of marine aggregate extraction.The synthesis completes international knowledge (ICES WGEXT, COST Action 638 "MAGGNET") with local investigation in Normandy on two sites of the Eastern English Channel in the framework of the 2003-2011 SIEGMA programme.
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Date de première publication du titre 17 mars 2014
ISBN 9791024001111
EAN-13 9791024001111
Référence B116975-27
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 44
Format 19.5 x 25.5 x .4 cm
Poids 170 g

Issues at stake

International scientific context

GIS SIEGMA: objectives and study sites

Level of knowledge

Extraction pressure

Physical impacts
Effects on the coastline
Effects on the water column
Effects on topography and seabed sediments
Restoration of topography and seabed sediments

Biological Impacts
Effects on benthos
Recolonization of benthic communities
Effects on fish
Recovery of the fish communities
Effects on the trophic relationships between benthos and fish
Modelling of the Eastern English Channel's food web

Effects on habitats and biodiversity

Dissemination of marine aggregate extraction issues to the public





This document is a comprehensive survey of the scientific knowledge acquired in late 2012 on the environmental impacts of marine aggregate extraction.The synthesis completes international knowledge (ICES WGEXT, COST Action 638 "MAGGNET") with local investigation in Normandy on two sites of the Eastern English Channel in the framework of the 2003-2011 SIEGMA programme.


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