The International Development Policy Series is a key reference source on development policy trends and challenges. The Series comprises two distinct parts: a thematic dossier and an annual review.The thematic dossier focuses on 50 years of African independence. While we celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence, authors of different origins offer their analyses of decolonisation. To what extent can the current situation of Africa be attributed to its colonial past? Is the current situation the result of legacies and relations with former colonial powers, or should this influence take a back seat in favour of greater emphasis on pre- and post-colonial history? What is the role of colonial history in the emergency and development of aid agencies? What are the prospec ...
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Dossier | Africa: 50 years of indepedence • African Economic Development and Colonial Legacies - Gareth Austin • Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire: Changing Places - Markus Eberhardt and Francis Teal • The System of Development Assistance in France and the United Kingdom: Fifty Years since Decolonisation - François Pacquement • Switzerland's Relationship with Africa during Decolonisation and the Beginnings of Development Cooperation - Marc Perrenoud • The New Players in African Cooperation - Philippe Hugon • A New Generation of Leaders in Africa: What Issues Do They Face? - John O. Igué
Annual review | Major development policy trends • Official Development Assistance once more Under Fire from Critics - Gilles Carbonnier • Trends and Issues in International Development Cooperation - Gérard Perroulaz, Claudie Fioroni and Gilles Carbonnier • Recent Trends in World Trade and International Negotiations - Christophe Bellmann, Trineesh Biswas and Marie Chamay • The Financial and Economic Crisis and the Developing Countries - Bruno Gurtner • The Food Crisis and Food Security: Towards a New World Food Order? - Christophe Golay
The International Development Policy Series is a key reference source on development policy trends and challenges. The Series comprises two distinct parts: a thematic dossier and an annual review.The thematic dossier focuses on 50 years of African independence. While we celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence, authors of different origins offer their analyses of decolonisation. To what extent can the current situation of Africa be attributed to its colonial past? Is the current situation the result of legacies and relations with former colonial powers, or should this influence take a back seat in favour of greater emphasis on pre- and post-colonial history? What is the role of colonial history in the emergency and development of aid agencies? What are the prospects for Africa 50 years after independence?The annual review focuses on the major development policy trends, that is to say the evolution of development policies, and especially on efforts to create a "new world food order" in the aftermath of the 2007-08 food crisis, the consequences of the 2009 financial and economic crisis, the future of the Doha Round and the bearing of climate-related issues on the agenda of the WTO. International cooperation is examined from the perspective of aid effectiveness and overall policy coherence.