Romanticism and the Philosophical Tradition

The various contributions in this collection explore the kinship and the conflicts which bind literature and art to philosophy during two major phases of Romanticism, in Germany and in England, opening passages and highlighting continuities between the philosophical ambitions and innovations of Romantic artists and the legacy of Romanticism in philosophy and literary and aesthetic theory. Each in its own way, the essays gathered here view Romanticism as a key moment in the history of thought and examine how Romanticism both inherits and departs from the tradition of philosophy, from Antiquity to the Enlightenment, as much as they explore the many legacies of Romanticism in contemporary philosophical debates up to Deconstruction and beyond. Written by philosophers, liter ... Lire la suite
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Date de première publication du titre 22 juin 2015
ISBN 9782814302310
EAN-13 9782814302310
Référence 118700-47
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 272
Format 16 x 24 x 1.5 cm
Poids 464 g


Thomas Constantinesco, Sophie Laniel-Musitelli – Foreword: Romanticism across Borders.


Tilottama Rajan – Smooth and Tangled Systems: Philosophy as Metadiscipline in German Idealism.

Philosophy and Literature in Romanticism

Claire Pagès – Herder, une écriture expressive des singularités ;
Thomas Dutoit – Principles of Likeness or Equality (Gleichheit) in Kantian Penal Law and International History and in Heinrich von Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas ;
Sebastian Hüsch – De la " poésie universelle progressive " à la " communication indirecte " : la présence de la réflexion romantique dans la pensée kierkegaardienne.

The Poetic Forms of Thought

John Baker – Atonement and the Philosophical Poem: Some Affinities between Henry Brooke and William Wordsworth;
Jeremy Elprin – The Merry Tinker and the Beautiful Beggars: Wordsworth's Experiments in Poetic Thinking;
Jennifer Horan – Potentiality, Gesturality and the Lyric: A Study of Shelley's Triumph of Life.

Poetry, Philosophy, and Knowledge

Yann Tholoniat – Robert Burns and Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Sensitive Hearts, Big Mouths;
Sophie Laniel-Musitelli – De la pierre à la chair : sciences et poésie d'Erasmus Darwin à William Blake;
Richard Somerset – Seeking "True and Unperverted Images of Nature": Humphry Davy's Romantic Geology.

Romantic Aesthetics

Fabien Desset – Winckelmann's Contribution to P. B. Shelley's Philosophy of Art;
Hélène Ibata – Theories of the Sublime and the Matter of Pictorial Closure.

List of Illustrations

List of Contributors

The various contributions in this collection explore the kinship and the conflicts which bind literature and art to philosophy during two major phases of Romanticism, in Germany and in England, opening passages and highlighting continuities between the philosophical ambitions and innovations of Romantic artists and the legacy of Romanticism in philosophy and literary and aesthetic theory. Each in its own way, the essays gathered here view Romanticism as a key moment in the history of thought and examine how Romanticism both inherits and departs from the tradition of philosophy, from Antiquity to the Enlightenment, as much as they explore the many legacies of Romanticism in contemporary philosophical debates up to Deconstruction and beyond. Written by philosophers, literary scholars and art historians, the different chapters not only confront British Romanticism with its German counterpart, in an effort to reconfigure our understanding of these two national "moments" in the history of Romanticism, but they also work at the crossroads of several disciplines, true to the inaugural spirit of Romanticism, at a time when generic and institutional boundaries were challenged and largely redrawn, and when art, literature and philosophy as we still know them today first emerged.


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