Grazia Grasso: L'herméneutique biblique de John Lanigan, disciple irlandais de Pietro Tamburini
Luke William Watson: A Lieu Sûr for the Fenians: France, the Fenians and the Irish Colony, 1848-1870
Aidan Beatty : The Problem of Capitalism in Irish Catholic Social Thought, 1922-1950
François Sablayrolles : Ireland's "Imponderable Dividends": A Nascent Cultural Diplomacy Policy in the Postwar Years
Timothy Quinlan: Shining Light on Silence : Corporal Punishment as an Abuse of Power in the Irish School System
Angela Horgan Goff : The Significance of the Táin in the Promotion of Cultural Nationalism with Particular Reference to Two Musical Compositions Inspired by Thomas Kinsella's 1969 Translation
Chris McCann : "Beidh ár dTigh Hughes féin againn": Music, Dance, and Overcoming the Disorientation of COVID-19 in Meadhbh Ní Eadhra's "Cuairteoirí"
Hedwig Schwall : The Aesthetics of "the good-enough mother" in Lucy Caldwell's Short Fiction
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