David Caplan – Introduction: Rhyme on a Wing and on a Wing
Rhyme in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
Stephen Burt – Cornucopia, or, Contemporary American Rhyme;
Robert Archambeau – Inventions of a Barbarous Age: Rhyme in Contemporary American Poetry;
Maureen N. McLane – Divigations on Rhyme: For Rhyme, or Rhyme;
Roi Tartakovsky – Rhyme Random: Robert Creeley's Sporadic Rhymes.
Rhyme Across Time Periods
Simon Jarvis – Why Rhyme Pleases;
Anthony Madrid – Seventeen Quotations with Commentary.
Rhyme in Earlier Poetry
Christina Pugh – Emily Dickinson, Rhyme, and Sonic Ambivalence;
Michael C. Clody – The Matter of Rhyme in Tudor Poetics;
Peter McDonald – Boundaries and Ways between: Rhyme and the Hermetic;
David Scott Wilson-Okamura – Spenser's Drone.
Poetry Portfolio
Charles Bernstein – "Fare Thee Well" and "What Makes a Poem a Poem?";
Maureen N. McLane – "On Not Being Elizabethan";
Jennifer Moxley – "The Bittersweet Echo" and "The Poetry Lesson";
Albert Goldbarth – "Migration Song"
Michael Robbins – "Sonnets to Edward Snowden".
Hip Hop and Rhyme
Natalie Gerber – Stress vs. Syllable Timing: Global Englishes, Rhyme, and Rap;
David Caplan – The Inheritors of Hip Hop: Reclaiming Rhyme.
Rhyme in Other Texts
H.L. Hix – Identical Rhyme and Multiplicity of Identity;
Marjorie Perloff – Afterward: What the Ear Demands.