Purity and Purification in the Ancient Greek World

Texts, Rituals, and Norms
Date de publication
1er janvier 2018
Purity, and its converse, impurity, formed a versatile metaphor in the ancient Greek world. Constructing a multifaceted investigation, with both complementary and contrastive approaches, the thirteen papers collected in this volume explore the range of these ideas, from Archaic and Classical Greece to the Roman Near East. Different declensions ...
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Date de première publication du titre 1er janvier 2018
ISBN 9782875621597
EAN-13 9782875621597
Référence 126742-96
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 372
Format 16 x 24 x 0 cm
Poids 500 g

Jan-Mathieu CARBON, Introduction: Probing the 'Incubation Chamber'

Purity, and its converse, impurity, formed a versatile metaphor in the ancient Greek world. Constructing a multifaceted investigation, with both complementary and contrastive approaches, the thirteen papers collected in this volume explore the range of these ideas, from Archaic and Classical Greece to the Roman Near East. Different declensions ...


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